"Bow down Your ear to me; deliver me quickly, be a strong rock to me..." (Psalm 31:2)



– Thank you very much for sent me all these material. Really you are amazing with me because you share your work with me with no charge to me. I will start to work in the translation to Spanish of this material. Thanks a lot again and I keep you in my prayers so our God keep you and all yours safe and blessed".

In Christ, Alberto Suarez, Iglesia de Cristo, Tyler, TX”.


– I often sing your songs in my private devotions when at home. You should come to Argentina on tour".

Jonathan Hanegan. Missionary at a church of Christ in Buenos Aires, Argentina".


– We have sung your wonderful song `My God and King` (in Estonian) several times, even in Jerusalem. Last year at Christmas service in our church (Oleviste) we sung `Christmas Song` and `A Son is Given, which gave rise to ardor of hundreds of people participating in the service. If it is possible, could you please send me the Russian version of `My God and King`. We would like to learn it in Russian as well”.

Kersti, Oleviste church, Tallinn, Estonia


– Konstantin, I am so glad my family got to meet you, your wife and the rest of the ensemble in Belton, Texas several years ago. I will let others know about your itenerary. At the congregation where I lead singing, we have learned "O Praise the Lord, My Soul," and "My God and King." Thank you for sharing your God-given gifts with so many of us. Thanks and God bless you all".

Daniel, Northside Church of Chrst, TX



– There is no one else in the Churches of Christ from abroad with Konstantin's accomplishments.

Darryl Tippens
Pepperdine University, Malibu, California


– I truly enjoyed the songs my brethren from Russia sang for us. It was meaningful and encouraging as they spoke to us a sermon in song. The body of Christ in America needs more of this type of Scripture in song.

Brenda Robinson

Denver, Colorado.


–This talented group is working with the Psalms-the hymnbook of the early Church. Their arrangements allow this ancient literature to "come to life" and should enrich the spiritual formation of Russian Christians.

Harold Hazelip
Nashville, Tennessee.

– The ensemble's hymnody was precisely targeted in praise and decidedly vivid in the blend of tonal parts. Kostya Zhigulin is a hymn writer whose name this and future generations will recognize.

Chuck Whittle
Boston, Mass.

– I was our blessing to be able to host the St. Petersburg ensemble. The blessings received, for the churches in he US, are many and strong. The blessing of seeing and hearing fruit from evangelism efforts in Russia is testimony to God's grace to us and to the Russian people. There are also blessings for the Russian church that could stand for decades, should the Lord tarry. The opportunity for Russian psalmists like Kostya to be encouraged can have the result of providing God's Russian church with a reservoir of hymns that will last 'til the Lord returns.

Ron Holland
Ft. Worth, Texas.

– It was an honor and my pleasure to work with these wonderful, talented, loving, but humble folks. They brought a style of music that was distinct to the Russian culture while reflecting a reverence for God, Son, and Holy Spirit, that frequently moved me to tears as I sang or listened to the words and music of Kostya's creations. His music, as it finds its way into the American churches, will greatly increase the depth of understanding of what worship is about.

Hugh Morgan
Austin, Texas.

– I find the composition of the hymns as well as the words impressive. The music is quality - a cut above much contemporary Christian music being written in the U.S. These hymns are varied reflecting the lyrics. We can use such quality hymns in our churches throughout the globe.

Tom Olbricht,
Ph.D. South Berwick, Maine.



– At Brentwood Oaks, we were privileged to have Kostya and the ensemble sing in our assembly on a Sunday evening. The grace of God was evident in the hymns translated into English but also those in the Russian language. The hour passed too quickly. However perhaps the best testimony to their ministry and its effect was, for me, visible in the chapel of Brentwood Christian School . Six-hundred (600) students sat in rapt attention as they sang. Those who serve well children are a blessing to us all.

Roger L. McCown
Brentwood Oaks Church of Christ, Austin, Texas.

– The content of their music focuses on the core reason for worship which is to communicate our deepest thoughts and feelings to our creator with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. Their music is timeless both modern and ancient, simple yet beautiful, truthful and spiritual, Russian yet universal, calming yet exciting to the soul. Their precise vocal skill and balance shows they take God seriously and their presentation with conviction and calmness shows their relationship to Him.

Bob Jones,
M.D. Durham, North Carolina.

– The Spiritual Music Ensemble is so refreshing because they sing songs loaded with meaning and appropriate music. Contemporary worship and praise songs are often just secular music with religious words. The ensemble's hymns, like the ancient church, are set apart from the world, sacred and holy.

Lin Penland
Holland St. Church of Christ, San Marcos, Texas.

– I greatly enjoyed the ensembles music at Duncanville church. My neighbors attended with me and marveled at the sweet, harmonic that just four people could make, they said it was like angels singing. Thank you for blessing us with your singing and for magnifying the holy and mighty name of our God the King.

Susan Dillon
Dallas, Texas.

– Kostya's songs are beautiful, they are true praise, true worship, capturing the spirit and praise of the Psalms and telling the story of God and his people - the way that the old hymn writers did, with the technical ability of Bach. This is what Kostya's music can inspire in American writers. I pray that it does. Kostya's music captures the depth of traditional Christian hymnody. When he was here at our little church, I saw people uplifted by the music in ways that I haven't seen in a long time. It seems to me that Christians in America are hungry for something - music that captures their experience of the life of faith and wraps it into the story of God, and that is exactly what Kostya accomplishes.

Todd Hall
San Marcos, Texas.

– Kostya's songs are like balm for my heart because they are for God and about Him, for us and about us, for me and about me. I would not call them "Kostya's songs". They are songs of a Christian heart, mind and soul - an expression of love, faith and hope in the Lord Jesus Christ. God blessed Kostya to compose hymns to His glory, He blessed Luka, Lina and Jeff to perform them, and He blessed me to listen and sing with voice and heart for Him.

Natalie M. Wood
Littleton, Colorado.

– It was truly our delight to have the group at lectureship. We received so many positive comments about the group.

Mark Love
Abilene, Texas.

– The singing of Konstantin Zhigulin and his Spiritual Music Ensemble was received as a blessing during our annual Sermon Seminar. The church's hymnody is an important means of developing Christian faith. Faith can be enlarged or diminished by the language we use. Hymns based on biblical passages, written with words of substance, and combined with outstanding music inevitably encourage the church to live faithfully as it thinks faithfully. I appreciate Konstantin's effort to immerse his music in biblical language. May the church be blessed for years to come by the ministry of the Spiritual Music Ensemble.

Stan Reid
President Austin Graduate School of Theology.

– I want to thank you for your group's inspiring singing. Indeed, I left "full of joy with a tear on my cheek." I praise God for His great work He is doing through you and your group. Thank all of you for being useful instruments to Him. I pray that He will continue to fill you with His beautiful Holy Spirit. Your brother in Christ.

Darryl Lewis



– Brother Konstantin, I am studying music here at the university. I feel that it is very important for me to tell you that your music has inspired me immensely. I am so grateful that you and your wife and friends are my siblings in Christ. Here in the United States, many people do not know of the ways that they can use music in their worship. Sometimes it is discouraging, but listening to your music today helped to encourage me very much. I hope that someday I may be able to come to Russia and do some work there for our God and serve the people. I cannot thank you enough for coming to perform at my school, and I wish all of you God's blessing and safety during your travels. Thank you, once again, for everything that you do.
Your brother in God's service.

Kody Scott

– I have never seen the Spirit of Christ so evident in a man`s worship. Thry your eyes, I look into your heart and see Christ. I praise God that you are a Christian, so that we all may be moved by Spirit that will travel in your music. I can`t wait to be lead by you when singing amond the heavenly hosts . See you in Heaven. By His grace we are saved.
Your brother in Ñhrist

Conejo Valley Church of Christ

– I wanted to say that I appreciated your group and your singing. Singing has always held a dear place in my heart and I could tell that it does in yours as well. Keep up the great work of spreading the gospel through song. I have listened to most of the CD I got from you last night and I think there will be at least a couple of songs that I will take to my group to see about working up. May God Bless!!

Lanny Reed,
Grandview, Texas.

– Konstantin's hymns are spiritual and deep. May churches in America learn from and imitate his music.

Everett Ferguson,
Ph.D., Abilene, Texas

– Konstantin's music reveals and meets a deep and for the most part unexpressed need for reflective, meditative music in worship.

Tom Gosser,
Tuscumbia, Alabama


– I listened to you and your group sing at North Blvd. In Murfreesboro about a month ago. I bought your CDs after the singing and I want you to know just how much encouragement your music offers me everyday and how much I enjoy listening.


Rex Curry Harsin




– I got to hear Psalom sing in Belton, Texas last year and bought one of your CDs. My wife, my daughter and I enjoyed talking with each of you.
Thanks to James Tackett and the Paperless Hymnal, we are able to show the words and music for "My God and King" to the congregation as we sing. I am teaching a singing class on Wednesday nights and that is where I got to introduce the song first. It has caught on and many people have told me they like it. We will continue to add more of your songs. I enjoy listening to the "Peace To You" CD in the car and even have it on my cell phone. I pray God will bless you, your wife and family. May He also bless and strengthen Psalom and the church in Russia and Ukraine.


– I heard your ensemble at the 9th Ave church of Christ in Haleyville, AL. The time went by so quick, I could have sat and listened for hours. Some of the most beautiful Christian Acapella singing that I have heard. May God continue His blessings upon your group as you travel.

Jim Casteel,

9th Ave church of Christ in Haleyville, AL.


– Thank you for coming to Prestoncrest and sharing such beautiful music with us. Seldom do we have such an opportunity to hear music from the composer himself. You truly blessed with parents and talents that puts God`s message to us in beautiful and meaningful songs.

H M Motsinger,

Prestoncrest Church of Christ


– Thank you for presenting your music to Dallas Christian College. May the LORD continue to bless you in your travels. You express worship unto the LORD in an amazing way. Thank you again, and GOD bless.

Daniel Amspaugh,

Dallas Christian College.

– What a blessing to have you at High Pointe once again! Thank you for sharing His word in beautiful song.

Al Vilches,

High Pointe Church of Christ



– Everyone in Haleyville was mesmerized, touched, encouraged, and blessed with your music!

Vicky Dean



– Thank you so much for providing English translation - the thoughts and theology are so meaningful. Thank you for you wonderful use of your God given gifts!

Richard Oster




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